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About Me

Welcome to my corner of the educational world!

Hi, I'm Anita Oberoi, and I am:

  • A UK qualified teacher with 17 + years teaching experience at Primary and Secondary School level preparing students for G.C.S.E and A-Level exams.
  • A committed and dedicated 11+ tutor with 5+ years experience of running Headway Tuition.
  • A member of Qualified Tutor and The Tutors' Association since 2020.
  • The Tutors' Association Hub Leader for the Midlands since 2022.
  • A mum of 2 kids who attended Handsworth Grammar School (Y7 - Y13) and Bishop Vesey Grammar School (Y12 - 13).
  • A girl who sat the 11+ and failed it.

Why Headway Tuition?

The day I walked into the exam hall and sat down in front of my paper, I knew I did not belong in that school, in that hall surrounded by those kids. I knew I was in the wrong place for me. Opening the paper confirmed my beliefs about myself - that I was incapable and daft, and that I would never be any good.

I had never seen an 11+ paper before and I did not understand what I was meant to do in so many of the sections.

When I stood in the playground during the break, I remember knowing that I had messed up the first paper and so 10 year old me decided to ask God to give me an easier paper when I went back in. It was worse than the first, and I remember thinking that the only part I got right was my name. The rest was a disaster.


The beliefs I held about myself shaped so much of the rest of my life and I want my students to go into their 11+ exam free of anxiety over what the outcome says about them. They are way more than a snap shot of a single moment. I feel very strongly that they understand this about themselves.

I work hard to teach my students the content for this exam whilst reminding them of the need for balance during the time they prepare for the 11+.

I know that there is a huge amount of content to get through and that this can impact both students and parents, but if you are looking for tuition that supports you, nurtures your child and enables students who will cope with the environment of a Grammar School to get through, then let's chat.

Hear from a parent...

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