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Vocabulary Victory: Mastering Words for Success

A Four-part course teaching you how to teach your child new words.

What is it?

Vocabulary Learning done through Gamification (the old-school way with only one online app thrown in!)

How is this course structured?

  • 4 pre-recorded online lessons + 1 assessment module

  • 30 mins of your time invested per week to play the games.

  • 12+ Games that you can teach your child

Your investment:

Essentials: £97 OR Mastery: £297

Tell me more!

Vocabulary Victory: Mastering Words for Success takes your child from

reluctant language learner to excited, engaged communicator in four weeks so that they can retain new words, smash comprehension and express themselves with clarity and confidence.

Why does this matter?

  • Having a limited vocabulary makes it harder for your child to deduce what is happening within comprehension texts.
  • It can also impact their critical thinking skills as they struggle to analyse information.
  • A limited vocabulary can impact a child outside school too as they can lack the confidence to engage in social situations, which, in turn, can lower self-esteem.

How does Vocabulary Victory: Mastering Words for Success help??

You will see your child become more willing to express themselves, and now have the words to explain ideas and concepts that they may have struggled with in the past.

You will see them retain new language and be able to transfer their language skills to understanding texts at a deeper level so helping them to make the shift forwards in their English skills.

You will see their confidence grow as they now understand how to learn new vocabulary in a way that sticks, and in a way that makes sense and is a worthwhile investment of their time.

If the option of look, cover, write, check OR reading for pleasure is all that is on offer to your child to help them develop their word bank, then there is a good chance they will become bored and disconnected from the process of new language learning.

The 17 years I spent teaching Modern Foreign Languages to KS2, GCSE and A-Level students, meant that I had to develop a bank of ideas to address the challenges my students faced when learning new words in French. This, in turn, has given me a bank of ideas that are transferable to my current 11+ students.

The BIGGEST difference between preparing students in a school for a major exam and preparing them for the 11+ is TIME.

Where I would see my older students in school between 3-4 times a week, I will only see my 11+ students 1-2 times a week.

The range of content for the 11+ exam is huge and so I have tackled the vocabulary gap issue in ways that would be quick, easy to implement, easy to understand, and FUN!!

My solution is my 4 week course

Vocabulary Victory: Mastering Words for Success!

What are the benefits?

For your child

  • Confidence to boost their language learning through a variety of techniques.
  • Motivation through competition - who doesn't want to beat their parents, right?
  • Fun!! when learning is fun, it doesn't feel like learning.

For you

  • TIME - to connect with your child over learning in a way that bonds you rather than separates you.
  • Games that the whole family can enjoy together that benefit all children involved.
  • A skill for life - having a varied and strong vocabulary is not just about passing an exam. It is about helping your child find their voice, be able to express themselves coherently and share their ideas with others in a way that enables them to feel truly heard.

Sign up here...

Vocabulary Victory: Essentials Level

  • 4 self-study pre-recorded lessons to teach your child 12+ offline games.
  • A guided walk-through of how to use Quizlet.
  • 1 x Assessment module to understand what your child can remember.
  • Life-time access to the course and any future updates.

Vocabulary Victory: Mastery Level

  • All of the benefits of the Essentials plan.
  • 5 x 1.5 hour weekly zoom lessons (Wednesday evenings)
  • Weekly support to answer questions

More about Mastery Level

Mastery Level will be implemented in 5 live online sessions every half term as follows:

Group 1: Starts Wednesday 10 Jan until Wednesday 07 Feb

(6 - 7.30pm). FULL

Group 2: Starts Wednesday 21 Feb until Wednesday 20 Mar

(6 - 7.30pm).

Group 3: Starts Wednesday 10 Apr until Wednesday 08 May

(6 - 7.30pm).

Course curriculum